Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Four Weeks - Doing it my way

Tummy time is supposed to be about strengthening the neck and shoulder muscles but in an angry moment, Little Man became confused and decided to work on his legs.


Hmmm, what’s wrong with these pictures?
Yes, that’s right, the Big Boy is playing with the baby toys and the Little Man is ‘playing’ with the big boy toys...... At least we are still a while away from cries of ‘that’s mine, give it back’.
Side note: For those who may be safety conscious, I was monitoring the cars being shot around the track near Elliott’s head. Sebastian was very keen to show his new toy to his younger brother while the Little Man's eyes were open for a whole of 10 seconds.

Three Weeks

I’d like to pretend that the little man is smiling but deep down I know that it was most likely one of those huge coincidences that at the exact moment the shutter closed the facial expression resembling a smile appeared for a split second. Still, it is such a cute little expression, I think we can all pretend!

Have fun boys!

The two biggest boys are ready to hit the water slides at White Water World for the long awaited and promised Children's Christmas party for Steve’s work. The little man and I tried not to be too jealous as we waved goodbye and chatted about how fabulous it will be when we join them next year. We then headed inside for a very pleasant day of peaceful quiet.

Week 1

A precious little bundle is home at last.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Playtime consists of finger to nose accompanied by the noise 'bop' by the big boy and faithful staring by the little man.

Week 2

We are starting to have a little more awake time this week.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And then, when I looked around I was surrounded!