Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There’s nothing quite like a good staring contest. My money is on the stuffed animal though; they get a lot of practice in.

New Trick

Elliott has discovered his legs and with it the world above ground level.

And I was going to throw the box out.....

Boxes are marvellous things and they even come free when you buy nappies! Sebastian saw its potential straight away. ‘Mum could you put a hole in it for the robot?’

A few stickers and pipe cleaners raided from the craft drawer and.....ta da, a robot!

Wait! It still needs a window and some wipers. Silly me, of course it does.

15 Weeks

Elliott has now learnt to roll over back to front as well as front to back. Some things are far too precious to leave behind, he wasn’t going anywhere without his blanket.