Monday, June 20, 2011

Good Morning

Sebastian has never been one to wake up and join us for a nice cuddle in bed so it was a bit of a surprise and a real treat when he asked if I could read him a story in my bed when he wandered in this morning. Somehow a story evolved into making a ‘nest’ with his blanket.... and then he had to have his pillow.... and then the spare doona and before I knew it, he had added (almost literally) the kitchen sink.

He had the kitchen set up and the breakfast cooking (with an ice-cream in the mean time). We had toast for breakfast, then toast for lunch and then dinner was.... toast. The curtains were closed and we went to bed for the night until the curtains opened and it was morning again. Hooray for more toast! Several days past in a similar fashion.

At one point Sebastian took the opportunity to teach Elliott about how to eat an ice-cream properly. You really must start at the bottom and suck the ice-cream through.

My only request was that he put the kettle on (please).

Monday, June 13, 2011

Princess Bride: The Sequel

It began as a tale of true love and high adventure and the story didn't end there. They got married and had two little boys. The true love continued as the adventures became slightly more home-bound. The opportunity of a venture soon presented itself once again and both of the little boys were left in the loving care of their Aunt and Uncle with the promise of their parents return before the nights end.

After their parents departure, the eldest boy, not yet used to seeing his little brother and mother parted, with a gasp and air of slight panic exclaimed 'Oh no, Mummy forgot the baby!'

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Going Places (or trying to)

This business of trying to get somewhere can be quite tiring.


It was a very, very, very cold day and Sebastian wanted to know if it was going to snow. At a brisk 12 degrees on the thermometer it was time for soccer and for the first time, Sebastian wasn’t so sure it was a good idea. A quick detour home to gather essential supplies; beanie, scarf, gloves and avoiding the temptation to stay inside we were on our way. At the end of the session, the smiles were accompanied by pink cheeks and noses.

And buried deep in the pram, somewhere, there was a baby.