Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I was looking in from the other side of the fence into a bedlam of mothers, children, and if you looked really carefully, somewhere amongst it all, baby animals. It was then I heard a little and perhaps somewhat pressing voice waft through the crowd 'but the sign says you're not allowed to pick up the animals. That boy is holding a chicken!'
I guess it's about time 'that boy ' learned to read.


The three in the back soon found a common language and communicated beautifully with a conversation comprised of a chain reaction of blowing raspberries, followed by bouts of giggles.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Letting Go

Elliott’s latest list of accomplishments includes high fives, waving, pointing, the occasional ‘ta’ and now we can add standing. He loves letting go of things just to prove he can. Perhaps teeth are next on the list?

Work with what you've got

Ever since the day Elliott arrived Sebastian as been relentlessly inquiring as to when they will have up and down beds. Obviously the auditory hints were falling on deaf ears so Sebastian took his plight to a whole new level with a more visual, demonstrative approach.

Destination Unknown

I don’t know where he thought he was going but he was trying very hard to get there.

Bubble Beards

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Raining, it's pouring

And The Old Man is most likely snoring and we will watch the rain from the warm and dry comfort of inside.

Maybe this one?

After such a cunning escape plan, we felt it only fair to give Elliott a bit of time in the garden. Never missing an opportunity, I felt it a perfect time to start teaching him (and his Father) which of the green plants are the weeds.

It was only a matter of time

If a picture is worth a thousand words then I think this might almost be a novel.

Vortex of Fun

But be sure to watch your back. Incoming!