Wednesday, January 25, 2012


We needed a plan. Elliott needed a bedroom and is was becoming glaringly obvious that waiting to share with Sebastian was not going to be the answer. All we needed to do was take out Sebastian's little bed and put it under ours, give him the spare bed from the study, move the desk to where the spare bed used to be, transfer the shelves that had temporarily been in the kitchen for the last 4.5 yrs back to go with the desk, install new temporary kitchen cupboards, transfer the antique filing drawers from the lounge to use as a room divider and then take the cot and drawers out of our room. Nothing to it - sounds like a plan to me.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sebastian's First Day

I have been warned that by putting your child in school you are giving a free license to the following years to fly by. I have a suspicious feeling that this has already occurred considering that all of a sudden it is time for Sebastian to start Prep.

Follow Up:
Sebastian is loving his new classroom and teacher and is happily heading off to school each day. However it was the second day of week two when Sebastian asked me 'How many days this week Mum?'. For a little boy who is used to a 5 day/fortnight Kindy program it was a little bit of a shock to hear that the answer was the whole five days.
'That's a lot, I don't think I need to go that many'.
Welcome to the real world Sebastian.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Joy of Baking

I now have two boys who share my passion for baking or are very supportive of it at the very least.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Day of Funnies

Elliott has discovered a joy in flopping around in shoes that proportionally would look good on a clown.
And Sebastian continues his love affair with being upside down (started about 5.5 yrs ago).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Elliott's Teeth

Slowly but surely Elliott is getting onto the business of teeth. After the first tooth appearing sometime after his first birthday the count is now up to three. A little unconventionally he didn't go for the top front teeth first but instead went with the one on the side. Now he has a fang- nice one.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Elliott's First Hair Cut

It was time for Elliott to see again without looking through a curtain of hair so we headed to see Zanita our hairdresser. Sebastian took his role as the official photographer and distracter very seriously and was most helpful. With endless patience from Zanita together with countless renditions of 'round and round the garden' we can officially say Elliott has had his first hair cut.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


If this is how much fun you can have unpacking the new paddling pool and giving it a test run inside then one can only imagine how good it will be with actual water in it!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ironed and Ready

Bags packed and waiting for the taxi to take Steve away to start his new job. Two short weeks away to concentrate on work and then two glorious weeks at home to play and build.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Lucky Ducky

Sebastian has labeled his new shorts his 'lucky ducky shorts' due to how lucky he is to have a Mum who made special shorts just for him.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


We welcomed both the New Year and the return of Coffee Bear with open arms. He had mysteriously disappeared for what must of been months only to be informed by email that he was found vacationing behind Abbie's spare bed. Sebastian anxiously questioned all day when 'lost and found' closed and would we make it there in time? A precious reunion led to an in-depth conversation with Coffee Bear the whole car trip home about 'lost and found' and what they had each been up to while separated.

Elliott is also cruising into the new year.

With anticipation of the year ahead to be filled with many new and exciting adventures, we are off to a promising start.