This year was the epic launch of the soon to be Christmas tradition:
The Bonbon Games
The rules were simple enough- the cheapest bonbons available that contained a joke, hat and toy were placed on the Christmas table. Points could be earned according to poor quality (missing items etc) or lost if there was any kind of potential found within (eg. an actual funny joke). Extra points were also available in the piƱata which ensured the obligatory mad scramble of all.
Needless to say there was much debate and discussion over the Christmas table including the expansion of the winners prize not only to include the Golden Bonbon Cup and a family photograph with a clear distinction between the winner and losers but to also produce said cup or improved equivalent at the next event.
Eventually an undisputed winner was announced: Stevie!
However, I believe we were all winners that night. As the rest of us donned on our L for Loser headbands we smiled and cheered at the thought of not being responsible for the safe keeping of the Cup. Till next time......