Thursday, October 16, 2014

Secret Agent Party - Explosion!

The wick was lit and we all waited in anticipation to see if the cake really would explode.  There was most definitely a KaBoom! but mostly from the party poppas hiding in the adults pockets.  Time to destroy the evidence and eat cake.

Secret Agent Party- Laser Beam Run

Saturday, August 30, 2014

And in with The New

Heeeeeelllloooo, lovely, can fit everyone on it and then some, comfy, new couch.  It is nice to have you in our family.  We did not waste much time in putting it to the snooze test and it passed with flying colours.

End of an Exceptionally Long Era (for a couch at least)

Practically an heirloom, theses couches have been in the family for over 30 years.  We grew up on those couches and today they were done.  Done enough that there was plausible reason for a farewell gathering.  One last photo of the three sisters on the couch- slightly squishier then the first taken when Shell was just a babe and then onto some respectful fun.  Heaven forbid - there were shoes put on that couch and you should of seen the jumping (and not just from the latest generation of kids)!

So farewell couches.  You have done well, many wonderful snoozes had.  

Now to slash the undersides to see what treasures you have swallowed.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Celebrating Book Week

As requested- One Zac Power (secret agent) costume just like in the picture.  A complete shadow with a white backpack.